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Hepa Vacuum Cleaners
HEPA Vacuum Cleaners come in two basic styles - the upright vacuum and the canister vacuum. The upright Hepa Vacuum Cleaner stands by itself as a single unit and includes an attachment hose to clean even hard to reach areas. Hepa canister vacuum cleaners are smaller but very powerful with a compactly designed case. It includes the rug beaters which are also known as the power nozzles and are detachable from the canister type cleaner units. Because of its efficient cleaning methods, it becomes very important for the allergy sufferers or anyone having breathing problem to own a HEPA Vacuum Cleaner. It proves to be truly an effective material in vacuum comparison eliminating all the allergy causing elements and controlling the pollutants and allergens to deliver absolutely fresh and clean air. The popular and most preferable models of HEPA Vacuum Cleaners are listed below. Model 102ASB Vacuums: This is a popular with 2-horse power, 2-stage long life motor which makes it a true 'work horse' for heavy duty service in commercial as well as the household works. The special features include a high efficiency drop in style Hepa filter and an air seal gasket between the motor head and tanks which form appositive lock fit. It also contains a Dacron filter bag which aids the 2 stage filtration process and delivers maximum vacuum efficiency. Model 45 Vacuums: This model is equipped with a powerful motor and an extra large capacity HEPA filter system and offers the air flow efficiency of vacuums. The special features are Pullman Holts exclusive 'never clog' Dacron bag which enhances super filtration. This model includes low noise feature for efficient use in the sound sensitive areas. Model 86ASB Vacuums: The model 86ASB is designed to work in tight areas, on scaffolding or any job site where a rugged steel compact vacuum is required. It is easy to carry and transport. Model 30ASB Backpack: It is an ideal asbestos vacuum for elevated and hard-to-reach areas. The model is excellent for sampling and glove bag work. Special features are its top fill design that allows for maximum capacity, heavy duty steel with powdered coated finish and a 'Drop in' style HEPA filter. HEPA Vacuum Cleaners include very efficient HEPA filters which are undoubtedly the tried and best method of air cleaning. The best part of HEPA Vacuum Cleaners is that it emits no byproducts or secondary pollutants such as ozone. With its high customer satisfaction and positive feedback, it is reckoned as one of the most preferred vacuum cleaners in the industry.
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